Our key principles

During our initial public consultation, we shared the key principles behind our vision for the Norwich Nelson site.

Our vision is to provide a new high quality urban living quarter, comprising new hotel accomodation, student accommodation and housing, supported by a wider range of commercial uses including offices and the potential for cafes, bars and restaurant.

Our key principles for the project are summarised below. To see how we have developed our plans in response to your feedback, visit the Our Updated Plans page.

A New Gateway to Norwich

The site is excellently located in close proximity to Norwich Station. However, at present it presents an uninviting gateway to the city, with vacant industrial units and neglected, poor-quality external space.
Our proposals will create a new landmark gateway to the city, with improved permeability and a design which opens up views of Norwich’s historic centre and creates a more vibrant district for visitors, students and residents.
The proposals will be designed to frame views of Norwich Castle as visitors approach the city, celebrating one of Norwich’s most important historic landmarks.

Supporting Norwich’s Economy

The Norwich Nelson regeneration will be a landmark investment in Norwich’s economic longevity.
Our proposals will retain the existing hotel use on the site, with Premier Inn bringing its latest format rooms and ground floor spaces to the development improving the quality of the hotel offer to visitors to Norwich.
The proposals will also deliver new high-quality student accommodation to meet growing demand in Norwich, alongside much-needed, high-quality homes to meet identified housing need in the city.
Alongside supporting the tourism and education sectors, the proposals will diversify the site with a range of commercial uses including shops, bars and restaurants to enhance the vibrancy of the site and deliver wide-ranging economic benefits.

A People-Led Approach

The proposals will take a community led approach, restoring a neglected area to vibrant public use. Alongside a new public plaza, the new hotel and accommodation will be accompanied by a range of commercial uses, creating the opportunity for shops cafes, bars and restaurants to create a new hub for residents, employees and visitors alike.
Additionally, the proposals will revolutionise the public realm, creating new seating areas, walkways and meeting points for residents and visitors to enjoy, alongside new play space for families.

An open, green environment

The landscape-led design approach will create an attractive new riverfront with areas of open space and a green river walkway.
The scheme will create new landscaped communal areas, with enhancements to all exiting green areas and a 32% increase in accessible open space.
The landscape design and naming will also take inspiration from Norwich’s historic character, creating a welcoming green environment which celebrates the city’s heritage.
Climate resilient features will also be incorporated throughout the landscape design to enhance biodiversity and energy efficiency.

Celebrating the city

Our vision is for a development which celebrates and pays tribute to Norwich’s rich character and heritage. The scheme has been designed to complement and respond to Norwich’s heritage assets, with the masterplan framing views of Norwich Castle from the station.
The design and composition will respect and draw inspiration from the surrounding conservation areas and will incorporate new landscaped areas that will reference the rich history of the city.
We want to work with the local community in Norwich to hear your ideas for how Norwich Nelson can celebrate the character and history of the city.

Celebrating the city

Our vision is for a development which celebrates and pays tribute to Norwich’s rich character and heritage. The scheme has been designed to complement and respond to Norwich’s heritage assets, with the masterplan framing views of Norwich Castle from the station.
The design and composition will respect and draw inspiration from the surrounding conservation area and will incorporate new landscaped areas that will reference the rich history of the city.
We want to work with the local community in Norwich to hear your ideas for how Norwich Nelson can celebrate the character and history of the city.

Concept sketches

Concept sketch
Riverside walk concept sketch
Riverside walk concept sketch
Riverside walk concept sketch

Thank you for participating in the public consultation on the regeneration of the Norwich Nelson site.

Following two phases of public consultation to shape the development of our plans, we submitted a planning application to Norwich City Council in October 2024.
Our plans can be viewed in full on the Norwich City Council Planning Portal here (Reference: 24/01050/F)