Our Updated Plans

In January and February 2024, we held a public consultation to introduce our vision for Norwich Nelson and to understand your priorities for the site. This included:


flyers distributed to local addresses


survey responses received


dedicated visitors to the consultation website


attendees across two public exhibitions


clicks on consultation social media ads

Following our initial public consultation, we have extensively reviewed community feedback to develop a scheme design which reflects local priorities.

Local community feedback

Our design response

Reduced height and massing across the scheme so heritage assets like St Faith’s House and the Old Weaver Building are not overshadowed.
Included a public path that leads down to the riverside, connecting Mountergate to the River Wensum. Created a new pedestrian network with improved access to heritage buildings.

Widened the prominade and added new biodiverse planting, creating new seating areas and spaces to dwell and relax.

Designed new attractive green, landscaped areas, with additional soft tree planting to improve biodiversity.
Increased the area of the urban plaza to create additional events space for performances, art, celebrations and socialising.
Designed a contextual scheme which celebrates Norwich and enhances views of heritage assets, with the potential for public art to further celebrate the city.

Design approach

We have reduced the height and massing of buildings across the scheme, ensuring that the design fits in with the surrounding buildings to respect the conservation area and its heritage.
This includes reducing the height of the student accommodation buildings, reducing the height of the hotel by one floor and keeping the residential building on Mountergate at four storeys, which is considered appropriate next to the Old Weaver Building.
We have also changed the form of the residential building behind St Faith’s House so that it better fits with this heritage asset. The presentation of alternating flat and pitched roofs has also been revised to ensure it looks more elegant.

Improving public space

We are creating up to 12,000 sqm of publicly accessible space. We have widened the public plaza, creating a vibrant focal point for events, socialising, relaxation and children’s play.
The design allows for greater viewing and access to the heritage assets near the site, features green spaces to dwell and relax near the footpaths and improves the riverside walking experience with a wider walkway. Public and private space will be clearly distinguishable, and we will create a clear pedestrian route through the development from Mountergate to the River Wensum.
We will retain the existing mature trees on the site and plant new, young trees for an appealing contrast, creating an attractive green landscaped area, with dense shrubbery and usable lawns.

Enhancing security

We have enhanced viewpoints and sightlines around the site, enclosing the plaza and opening up sightlines from Prince of Wales Road.
This will create a sense of enclosure to the site and a natural pedestrian flow, encouraging ‘passive surveillance’ to reduce the potential for anti-social behaviour, promoting safety and security.
We will also extend the glazed windows of the commercial shop space, creating an ‘active frontage’ to the alleyway, increasing the sense of security.